Mastering Soldier Capture Guide in Myth of Empires

Welcome back, fellow Myth of Empires enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving deep into the art of capturing soldiers, also known as vagrants or NPCs, and turning them into loyal warriors to bolster our forces. If you’re ready to embark on this thrilling journey, buckle up, and let’s get started.

Crafting the Tools:

Before venturing out to capture soldiers, it’s essential to ensure you have the necessary tools at your disposal. Crafting a torture rack, twine, and a simple club are the initial steps in this process. Utilizing a horse can significantly ease your burden during the capture, as we’ll discover later. Organize your materials efficiently to streamline your crafting process and avoid unnecessary setbacks.

Locating Soldier Camps:

Scouting for soldier camps can be facilitated by exploring the map and identifying question marks, indicating undiscovered locations. Look for camps with multiple soldiers or campfires with one or two vagrants. Engaging in combat with these vagrants initiates the capture process, but exercise caution not to inadvertently kill them, necessitating the search for new targets.

The Capture Process:

Initiating combat with a vagrant requires strategic use of the simple club to incapacitate rather than kill them. Once subdued, you’ll have the option to carry them back to your base. Consider utilizing a horse to expedite this process, although beware of boars with a penchant for attacking vagrants during transit.

Recruitment and Training:

Upon safely returning to your base with the captive vagrant, binding them to the torture rack initiates the recruitment process. Patience is key as you gradually increase their obedience through a combination of training and feeding. Monitor their health and hunger levels diligently to ensure optimal progress.

Tips and Tricks:

• Maintain an organized inventory to expedite crafting and resource management.
• Utilize a horse to facilitate the transportation of captured vagrants.
• Exercise caution during combat to avoid inadvertently killing your targets.
• Monitor the captive’s health and hunger levels to ensure their well-being.
• Stay vigilant against potential threats, such as boars, during the capture and transportation process.


Mastering the art of capturing soldiers in Myth of Empires is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. By following the steps outlined in this guide and implementing the provided tips and tricks, you’ll navigate this process with confidence and efficiency. Remember to stay patient, stay vigilant, and most importantly, enjoy the journey of building your formidable army.

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